app settings
LIDAR ADVANCED: You will need to switch from “Lidar” to “Lidar Advanced” in the upper right of the screen.
MAX DEPTH: 2.5 - 3.0m
RESOLUTION: 6 - 10mm
Note: The app will default back to Lidar setting after each use.
2. scanning
Get within 2.5 - 3 Meters of the bow of your boat and tap the red button on the right. Make sure that you can capture both sides of the bow.
Your object will light up in a blue-purple grid. The darker purple the better the scan results will be.
Suggested iPhone Scan Path
Your only need to scan one side of the boat. But you must capture over the centerline of the boat, both forward and aft. Both sides, and the tip of the must be clearly visible in your scan.
Slowly walk along side your boat moving the iPhone up and down (Like you’re painting) so that the purple grid is capturing everything on the side of the hull and everything on top of the tower.
NOTE: This is where you may need a selfie stick or ladder so that you can capture everything on top of an arch/tower/bimini.
NOTE: Do not go backwards and “paint” over a section you’ve already captured.
To end the scan press the red button.